No one sets the standard for simplicity like Diamond.
However, we know that things happen, and we are ready and able to handle any unexpected demands and challenges that may arise– challenges that could catch less-experienced companies off guard. Throughout our decades in business, we’ve seen it all, and we’ve developed the expertise, common sense, and highest standards of quality to get the job done right. This is what keeps our customers coming back.
When you work with us, you can rest assured that you’re getting the Diamond standard of service.
That standard of service includes safety and cleanliness: All of our equipment is hot-washed, scrubbed, and sanitized before we deliver it to you. Our vehicles are DOT inspected and certified, and every member of our team is carefully trained in the latest methods and practices to promise a safe environment to our customers. We meet monthly to review the best practices and revise methods when and as often as needed.
Our commitment to service started in 1998 and hasn’t changed since” – ERIC de JONG, OWNER